
Sunday, 10 February 2013

Faux Jade Polymer Clay

There are many different Faux techniques for polymer clay and as this years colour of the year is Emerald I've decided to go with the Green Theme and make my first attempt at Faux Jade.

To make faux jade you need to make two different shades of jade one light and one dark.

Faux Jade polymer clay colour mixes
Faux Jade polymer clay colour mixes

The recipe for each faux jade that I made are as follows -

Dark Jade
1/4" Chocolate x1
1/4" Green x1
1" Translucent x1

Light Jade
1/4" Chocolate x1
1/4" Green x1
1" Translucent x3

I must point out here that I didn't have any green only tropical green, which I think has created a brighter jade.

Next you need to cut up each colour of jade using a ribbon blade, if you don't have a ribbon blade a grater could also be used.

Faux Jade polymer clay cut up using a ribbon blade
Faux Jade polymer clay cut up using a ribbon blade
Once you've cut up both shades of your faux jade, mix the pieces together and roll flat with a roller, you could cut up this mix again for a more speckled look.  I decided to cut my mix once for the beads created below.
Faux Jade shades combined and rolled
Faux Jade shades combined and rolled

Once you have your faux jade mix you're ready to go and start creating whatever you like.  Here's some beads and elephant charms I created from my mix.

Faux Jade polymer clay beads and charms faux jade tutorial
Faux Jade polymer clay beads and charms

Faux Jade polymer clay elephant charms faux jade tutorial
Faux Jade polymer clay elephant charms

I think maybe using the tropical green has made the beads quite bright and its not so easy to see the colour variations between light and dark in my mix.  I guess that means I'll have to have another go :)

I also found that you can only mix & roller your blend a couple of times before the colours start to blend together and you will lose your colour variation.

Have a great Monday Everyone and don't forget to check out more great crafter's over on Handmade Harbours Handmade Monday

Monday, 4 February 2013

Polymer Clay Valentine Jewellery

Its been another busy weekend this time I've been struggling to work with a dodgy internet connection not great when you have lots of internet work and uploading to be done Arrghhh! but luckily I got to take time out last night and went to watch Strictly Come Dancing at the O2 and although it was cheesy I thoroughly enjoyed it.

So back to work here's a glimpse of my Valentine Jewellery makes that I did manage to get uploaded and edited.

Red Rose Necklace handmade from Polymer Clay Valentine Gifts & Jewellery
Red Rose Necklace handmade from Polymer Clay

Red Rose Charm Bracelet handmade from polymer clay Valentine Gifts & Jewellery
Red Rose Charm Bracelet handmade from polymer clay

Burgundy Rose & Swarovski Bracelet handmade from polymer clay Valentine Gifts & Jewellery
Burgundy Rose & Swarovski Bracelet handmade from polymer clay

Red Rose Heart Beaded Bookmark handmade from polymer clay Valentine Gifts & Jewellery
Red Rose Heart Beaded Bookmark handmade from polymer clay

Red Rose Heart Brooch handmade from polymer clay Valentine Gifts & Jewellery
Red Rose Heart Brooch handmade from polymer clay

All my new Valentine Jewellery was made with the Polymer Clay Millefiori Rose Canes I made a couple of weeks ago.  I have quite a bit more but the slow connection means not everything has been edited and uploaded yet to my Etsy Store but hopefully the rest will be loaded once this connection has been sorted out.

Have a great Monday Everyone and don't forget to check out more great crafters over on Handmade Harbours Handmade Monday