
Tuesday, 15 May 2012

Help me find my MOJO

Who Stole my MoJO!

What do you do when you feel your motivation slowly slipping away from you. Since January I have felt like I've been on a mad roller coaster ride of making, creating, blogging, promoting, listing and networking so much so I needed many to do lists to keep me on track.

But over the last few weeks I have felt my motivation slipping away, slowly at first but this last week it seems to be rapidly gaining momentum, I have been keeping my head down doing my best to focus on my to do lists and keep ploughing through my work in the hope it will suddenly return but to no avail and now I find myself asking, before it runs away for good:

How can I get my Creative Mojo Back

So please help, comment and share your tips and ideas on how to get your motivation moving again, do you know any inspirational blogs or websites to kick you into gear or so you simple have some great tips or motivational quotes you can share to help me.

Image source from


  1. I went through a period of that too recently. I decided to go and do something different. I did some research, doodled some vague ideas and basically didn't worry too much about it. Trying a new craft or just reading some books may just spark of new ideas. Now I am only stuck on the promoting side of things, I find that really hard.

    1. Thank you thats a good idea I should spend some time playing with new techniques and try some new projects from my books its always fun.

      I agree the promoting side can be a difficult one to tackle, trying to Come up with new ideas to sell and promote your items, I can find myself stuck in a loop promotion wise.

  2. Hi Clare
    I find a geat way of regaining my mojo is to have a day off - a 'two fingers to the rest of the world day' - a day to yourself where you put your makeup on (this isnot a 'hide under the duvet day' those are for a whole other thing) and get out there and just indulge yourself go into all those stores that float your boat look and see what else is out there - have a starbucks frappuccino - step on the cracks in the pavement - be a rebel. All in all let yourself smile and soak in the good stuff that's out there. Works for me, almost every time.
    Otherwise look under that pile of stuff at the bottom of the stairs he might be hiding there.
    Hope you find your mojo again soon, in the meantime enjoy a little calm time sounds like you might need it what with all those to do lists you've had.
    Catherine xxx

  3. Have you heard of Mayi Carles? She is a powerhouse of energy and motivational tips for getting organised. I think that sometimes it's the overwhelming feeling of *NEVER* having enough time on our hands that can slow us down and make us quit - get organised cut off all the dead wood and focus on what works for you.

    I'll keep my eye out for the missing Mojo, he's probably just taking a nap somewhere :)

    try this post for starters from Mayi - but also watch some of her videos, they're really energetic

    1. Thanks for the link Hilary looks like an interesting read and I've subscribe so i can be kept up to date.

  4. I know exactly how you feel! I too seem to have recently lost my 'get up and go' and all inspiration. I used to blog far more than I currently do, always had something to say or a discovery or project to share, but that seems to have come to a complete standstill...

    What I have found is that there's no point trying to force it. I simply let it be for now and step away from anything that feels forced. Getting out of London for a day, just enjoying the countryside, meeting friends for a chat and trying to get into a bit of a 'don't care what others think' mindset does seem to help. Other than that, I'm sorry I can't give you any advice other than take your time, relax (the more you force it, the worse you'll feel) and it will eventually come back. Good luck xo

  5. I don't have any great advice, but looks like others are being really helpful, just wanted to sympathise as its very irritating when the motivation slips away. I think the secret is to fool yourself into starting something but only for a few minutes than you're allowed to stop . I often find my interests sparked and I carry on....

  6. Thanks everyone for your wonderful comments and suggestions.

    I think the general consensus is to relax and not let it worry me, I'm planning a project this weekend with some new paints I have, I do enjoy going back the the basics.

    Thanks again Clare x


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