
Monday, 20 May 2013

Taking Jewellery Photos

I've been toying around with the idea of taking modelled photographs of my jewellery for a while, wondering  which friends can be bribed with the promise of a bottle of wine or two in return for standing around for a few hours, where to take the photos for the best light? what to wear to show off the jewellery at its best.  With so many questions I usually end up putting my ideas to the side for another day.

But a couple of weeks ago on a rainy weekend I decided to take the leap with my 10 year old as the photographer and me the model, just a bit of fun to see how the photos would turn out.  So with a simple white background and some adjustments to the camera settings Amelie was ready to point and click!

Pre edited photo shots for jewellery
Pre-edited photo shots for jewellery

Above you can see the pre-edited photos, its not that easy this modelling lark trying to ensure the jewellery is being displayed at its best and as can only be expected from a 10 year old Amelie did bore of this photographer business quite quickly with shots of the cat and anything else she could snap in between.

I did however get a couple of shots that where usable from this test and with the help of Picasa 3 managed to edited some shots that I am quite pleased with.

Edited Shots of Jewellery with Picasa 3 by Lottie Of London
Edited Shots of Jewellery with Picasa 3
And a couple of bracelet shots...

Edited Shots of Jewellery with Picasa 3 by Lottie Of London
Edited Shots of Jewellery with Picasa 3
I think the results are quite promising especially with the use of editing within Picasa 3 a free to download photo editing programme.  My next goal is to bribe the old man into taking some shots as Amelie has now tired of a future in photography.

What do you think of modelled photo shots do you think they play an important part in deciding if you want to bu an item of jewellery esp from online?

This post is part of Handmade Monday don't forget to check out more great crafter's over on Handmade Harbours Handmade Monday


  1. I definitely prefer the jewellery photographed on a model. You can see the length of the necklace and how it sits on the neckline well.

  2. I agree. The jewellery on a model gives so much more information such as size, even down to giving suggestions as to what it can be worn with. It is much harder but worth the effort.

  3. I think the modelled shots are much better as you can get a feel for the "look" of the piece :-)

  4. oooh these are great! Well done to you both :)

    yes, i think it does make an impact to see jewellery on a model as it really helps you to imagine how you might wear something and what it would look like in a real life situation x

  5. I think these photos are fab - well done to your daughter, it's not easy to take such good shots. Definitely worth persevering with photographing your jewellery in this way.


I'd love to hear your comments and views on my work, thank you