
Thursday, 20 August 2015

Craft Stash - New Crafting Supplies

I Had to stock up on some essential Fimo clay and had a little splurge on some other crafty bits 


1. Fimo professional clay 

Though I'm a regular fimo fan this will be my first time using the new professional fimo clay.

2. New cutters & a Premo cuff bracelet blank 

I'm always on the hunt for more cutters to add to my growing collection and these shield shaped cutters look perfect for some future pendants.  I also came across this Premo cuff bracelet, now I've been on the search for these for a long time now so had to snap it up.  Its been a long time since I've experimented with cuff bracelets and not successfully either, hopefully this blank will help me improve.  You can find my earlier post on my experiments with Bangles & Cuff Bracelets here The Perils of Bangles.

3. A Curlicue roller 

I found this mini roller on Clayaround I've not seen these before and they come in many patterns to choose from, I've gone for the curlicle roller which has swirls and curls.  Its pretty neat and quite deep so should give a good impression on the clay.

4. Set of Spectrum Noir alcohol ink markers 

Now I came across these completely by accident, my daughter is a huge Manga fan and spends a lot of time creating her own drawings and characters so she is familiar with this style of markers & pens for me this is a whole new territory.  I've decided to take the chance on them as they are Alcohol Ink markers I'm hoping they will work well and adhere with clay much like polymer clay alcohol inks, they are also blendable which is perfect for some future experiment ideas I have.


Now what shall I play with first? 

#crafty #crafyfingers #polymerclay #crafting #crafts #crafttime

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